Finally,Many of my shows will have their premiere's airing on the networks. Well, at least the ones that didn't get canceled. so far on my list are Stargate ,V, Medium and a couple more including some shows on the BBC.
Keep your eyes alert for my reviews, kiddies!
Until next post,
Friday, March 26, 2010
The time is upon us...
Posted by privatetillery at 10:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 28, 2009
objects in the rear view mirror appear closer
Sorry for the lack of posting lately. School finals are riding up on me and man do I hate Numbers(algebra) and how they defeat me! *shakes fist*
Until next blog,
Posted by privatetillery at 9:07 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
It's time for a revolution!

Have I had my doubts about this show concerning whether it was going to amount to something worth watching? Yes. AM I still concerned? No!
This show is starting to shape into something that I would recommend to anyone. If you have not started watching this wonderful show, then please start now.
The show right now is easy to follow and pick up on the things you missed and you can probably watch the reruns on This show has been added to my must see shows!
Mark my words Anna, you are going to get your scaled reptile butt handed to you!!!!!!!!
Until next blog,
Posted by privatetillery at 8:51 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 16, 2009
Rumor has it...
First "Kings" gets the boot, and now Eastwick!!
I saw a couple articles on the web that Eastwick will continue to run the filmed episodes for season one and then it will be axed due to lack of viewers. I think this really stinks because I was finally getting into the show and loving the characters. Man, I really wanted to see how things were going to play out with the witches and Darryl.
Turn on your TV's to Eastwick if you can and try to get viewer polls up so maybe, just maybe they will keep it.
Until next blog,
Posted by privatetillery at 6:43 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 12, 2009
V is for Vistors
It is still too quick to judge whether not this series is going to be good or not, but so far the show is not wow-ing me. Instead, The show is just peeking my interest enough just to keep it in my shows to watch list.
The two main actors are great at their job, but so far the script written for them is not impressive by far. I hope the network decides to invest in better writers if it lasts until next season.
Until next blog,
Posted by privatetillery at 12:09 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 6, 2009
Stargate:the sci-fi Soap

Stargate:Universe is slipping slowly into my list of shows that I would like to see evolve. We are now practically halfway through season 1 and the team has yet to meet a strange alien humanoid race. What's going on people? Where is my bad race that plots the doom of the team and earth race? Please, give me a bad guy. The lame crew drama is getting boring. I could get the same effect watching "Survivor"! I want something more now. It's getting boring. SyFy channel bring on the bad guy or lose your viewers!
Until next blog,
Posted by privatetillery at 10:57 PM 0 comments
I'm hearing voices!
Medium blows us away with another great episode about a bomber robbing banks. But, there is something strange about this case and Alison is on the case with the trusty aid of an SUV. Yes, A car helps her! No, It's not like KIT in knight rider. This special car of hers is a rental and it allows her to hear conversations of other people. I will let you watch the episode to see how it all ties in, but this episode was great one. Don't miss it!

Until next blog,
Posted by privatetillery at 10:44 PM 0 comments