Saturday, November 28, 2009

objects in the rear view mirror appear closer

Sorry for the lack of posting lately. School finals are riding up on me and man do I hate Numbers(algebra) and how they defeat me! *shakes fist*

Until next blog,

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

It's time for a revolution!

Have I had my doubts about this show concerning whether it was going to amount to something worth watching? Yes. AM I still concerned? No!

This show is starting to shape into something that I would recommend to anyone. If you have not started watching this wonderful show, then please start now.

The show right now is easy to follow and pick up on the things you missed and you can probably watch the reruns on This show has been added to my must see shows!

Mark my words Anna, you are going to get your scaled reptile butt handed to you!!!!!!!!

Until next blog,

Monday, November 16, 2009

Rumor has it...

First "Kings" gets the boot, and now Eastwick!!

I saw a couple articles on the web that Eastwick will continue to run the filmed episodes for season one and then it will be axed due to lack of viewers. I think this really stinks because I was finally getting into the show and loving the characters. Man, I really wanted to see how things were going to play out with the witches and Darryl.

Turn on your TV's to Eastwick if you can and try to get viewer polls up so maybe, just maybe they will keep it.

Until next blog,

Thursday, November 12, 2009

V is for Vistors

It is still too quick to judge whether not this series is going to be good or not, but so far the show is not wow-ing me. Instead, The show is just peeking my interest enough just to keep it in my shows to watch list.

The two main actors are great at their job, but so far the script written for them is not impressive by far. I hope the network decides to invest in better writers if it lasts until next season.

Until next blog,

Friday, November 6, 2009

Stargate:the sci-fi Soap

Stargate:Universe is slipping slowly into my list of shows that I would like to see evolve. We are now practically halfway through season 1 and the team has yet to meet a strange alien humanoid race. What's going on people? Where is my bad race that plots the doom of the team and earth race? Please, give me a bad guy. The lame crew drama is getting boring. I could get the same effect watching "Survivor"! I want something more now. It's getting boring. SyFy channel bring on the bad guy or lose your viewers!

Until next blog,

I'm hearing voices!

Medium blows us away with another great episode about a bomber robbing banks. But, there is something strange about this case and Alison is on the case with the trusty aid of an SUV. Yes, A car helps her! No, It's not like KIT in knight rider. This special car of hers is a rental and it allows her to hear conversations of other people. I will let you watch the episode to see how it all ties in, but this episode was great one. Don't miss it!


Until next blog,

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Do you find this funny, douchebag?


Supernatural. This has to be one of the best series out there with it clever one-liners and unique week to week episodes. Each very different then the one before. If you haven't jumped onto the Supernatural train yet, then you are really missing on some really good stuff.

This show took the paranormal genre and turned into something of it's own mixing in Angels and demons and the quest for God. Sam and dean, one a vessel for an archangel ready to battle the devil and the other a vessel for Lucifer himself. One catch, They have to agree to be taken over and used as "meat puppets".

Each week, the audience gets to see their struggle against the supernatural, demons, and angels while saving lives along the way.

This week was a strange episode were Sam and Dean are trapped inside several TV sitcom shows(and commercials). My favorite moment was when Sam had to play the part of a person with "Genital Herpes" in a pharmacy commercial.

It never ceases to astonish me how much they use the word "douchbag" in so many unique ways each episode, sometime even including it in their episodes titles(ie "Chris Angel is a Douchebag")

Until next blog,

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

When following signs, be sure not to get lost!

Viewers of Eastwick, young and old, will find themselves misty eyed in this episode as Roxie deals with the death of her young heart throb boyfriend, Chad. I was really hoping to see more the character Chad helping Roxie manifest her power, but instead, I got a eye full of his premature death. WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

But, on the other hand, a death bring life to a new character, or at least bring up to the front line. A character that has been in the background for a couple shows now. Bun, who reunites with an old friend from the past to get her memories back. These two ladies aren't exactly great friends, but they have one common problem to deal with and that is Darryl Van Horne. It looks like we will finally be able to get some dirt on Mr.Mysterious. Will these ladies be able to tell us if this is the same person from the past or an impostor who stole his identity.

Meanwhile, back in the office, Joanna is going nuts while trying to figure out her "super awesome power" while her best friend just thinks she is crazy. Joanna even tries to get her replacement at the newspaper killed in a Ferris wheel accident. I guess crazy can happen when you are nearly killed in a burning coffin while a crazy preacher watches happily! It's called medication Joanna. Learn it, love it, and embrace the change.

until next blog,


RIP Chad episode 1-6

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

They come in peace, my ass!


Who can't resist a show concept like this one? Aliens show up at the moment our universe is at a decline so we can look to the skies for a savior. If you haven't watched the series premiere of "V" then feel free to click the banner above to watch all the goodness that it was.

Granted, I felt it was a bit rushed and ABC denied their viewers a 2 hour premiere were I think they really could have laid down a great start to a awesome and intriguing story line, but instead they rushed us right into the nitty gritty of things. The big question is who is and is not a "Visitor"? And are those persons a traitor or bad visitor? And Why are they here??

I hope ABC can really do this show a great justice and put more efforts into the storyline. Over all, this was a good show. I give it 4 out of 5 stars.

Until next blog,

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The undead live again.

This week's Medium episode was a great throwback to "The Night of the Living Dead" movie. It had Alison living in a nightmare were, like in the movie, she was being attacked by flesh eating zombies. After each dream, she awakes to find scratches, bite marks, and even burns. Each clue leading her to the a suspect in the case of a supposedly mugged funeral home director turned bad.


click the picture to enter Alison's strange world

Meanwhile, Alison's daughter, Bridgette, takes on the classroom pet, a pet tarantula named Ms. Scarlet and finds her dead later. But, Ms Scarlet won't rest and begins to haunt Bridgette.

All in all, this episode was creative and kept me watching like always. The creative team of Medium never ceases to amaze me.

Until next blog,