Tuesday, November 3, 2009

They come in peace, my ass!


Who can't resist a show concept like this one? Aliens show up at the moment our universe is at a decline so we can look to the skies for a savior. If you haven't watched the series premiere of "V" then feel free to click the banner above to watch all the goodness that it was.

Granted, I felt it was a bit rushed and ABC denied their viewers a 2 hour premiere were I think they really could have laid down a great start to a awesome and intriguing story line, but instead they rushed us right into the nitty gritty of things. The big question is who is and is not a "Visitor"? And are those persons a traitor or bad visitor? And Why are they here??

I hope ABC can really do this show a great justice and put more efforts into the storyline. Over all, this was a good show. I give it 4 out of 5 stars.

Until next blog,